
Features about Deshi Nama System

Two systems of naming are in vogue : (1) Binomial nomenclature (2) Desi nomenclature. Desi nomenclature is India’s ancient system of writing accounts. This system is older than the binary…


What is Main Functions of Bank

(1) Acceptance of Deposits : Banks accept some unutilized amount from the public as deposits. The bank pays interest to the depositor. The biggest responsibility of a bank is to…

What is Loans and Advances brief think

The term ‘loan’ refers to the amount borrowed by one person from another. The amount is in the nature of loan and refers to the sum paid to the borrower.…

Share Market

Meaning and Characteristics of Non-Trading Concerns

(1) Meaning: An organization whose purpose is not to make profit; But for social service, upliftment of the members of the organization, promotion of interest of the members, promotion of…


Difference between Domestic Trade and Foreign Trade

The nature and challenges of foreign trade are different from domestic trade and the hurdles are higher and hence it is important to know the difference between them. Some of…

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